Increasing the Performance of the Cassava Industry in West and Central Africa – IPCI

IPCI’s approach has been developed around five work packages that are designed to achieve the planned purposes and outputs of the project. These are:

  • Work package 1: Support to IFAD projects in the WCA region.

  • Work package 2: Create a knowledge base of successful technologies and best practice interventions.

  • Work package 3: Support to private sector – creating demand for small-holder produced cassava.

  • Work package 4: Wide dissemination of best practice guides and knowledge products.

  • Work package 5: Project management, monitoring and evaluation.

University of Greenwich Natural Resources Institute Logo International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Logo SNV Netherlands Development Organisation Logo FUNAAB Logo Embrapa Logo
University of Greenwich NRI logo IFAD Logo SNV Logo Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) Logo Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) Logo